Archive for January, 2015

Shoveling Tips – Part One

Understanding the proper way to shovel can prevent low back pain.

While bending forward to scoop keep the low back arched and knees bent with each push to fill the blade. Bend the knees even more to lift the snow off the ground. Throw the snow forward, not to the side, which prevents the trunk from twisting.

This tips is most often not performed and it is as important as keeping the back arched with knees bent. Switch hands and alternate sides every ten shovels-full. This will prevent the dominant shoveling side from over-working.

Dr. Saracino
610 337 3335

The Benefits of a Home Humidifier

During the bitter-cold Winter months the proper amount of humidity is essential to preventing flu-like symptoms. (And, most know that well-humidified air does not dry-out the furniture and reduces static electricity.) If your HVAC (forced hot air) heating system does not have a built-in humidifier, one can be purchased separately at most local appliance stores and used right away. Another less effective method is to place a pot of water atop a radiator or adjacent to a vent. The best place for the stand-alone humidifier is at the top of stairs. This allows some of the humidified air to stay on the second floor and the rest to drift onto the first floor. A clean humidification system is essential to prevent the spread of harmful air born organisms so keep the water and filter clean. One should notice moister sinuses and skin within days.  Dr. Saracino 610 337 3335

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